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Tissues Centirfuges

Tissues centrifuges

Cytocentrifuge, Plasma 22, Digtor 22 Col



Designed for concentration of biological samples on a visible surface for the microscope and its subsequent identification and characterisation.

Easy to handle, reduces the handling time, indispensable features in oncology, cytology, and microbiology services. It has a swing out rotor for 4 supports, with two positions for recovery of the filtrate for a second processing in the case of low concentration samples.



Plasma 22

Plasma concentration processes to obtain both from the fibrin net as well as that of platelets by means of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) techniques, PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) and derivatives, make the Plasma 22 centrifuge indispensable. The simplicity of these processes erroneously gives the impression that the performance of the technique is not affected by the centrifugation process. Nothing could be more mistaken; maximum performance will only be obtained with equipment that has been validated, and in which the operational parameters, beyond RPM, RCF and time, have been calculated for these processes. The Plasma 22 centrifuge has been developed together with experts in the development of these techniques and has approval for its development.

It maintains the cell structure of the phases for the application of each of the alternatives, ensuring its efficacy in the destination environment and avoiding interference of particles that impede adhesion.


Digtor 22 Col

Essential tool for fat processing, where we can find the highest concentration of stem cells, for liposculpture techniques and reparative surgery.



    Plasma 22

    Digtor 22 Col

    Max Capacity

    4 X 2.2ml

    8 X 9/15ml

    4 X 60ml

    Max Speed rpm

    2500 rpm

    3000 rpm

    3000 rpm

    Max Speed xg

    866 xg

    1288 xg

    1801 xg

    Display type




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